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 coach factory outlet Tall slender girl is absolutely fit to wear the coat, the tall girl with classic camel coat lapels and tie belt style, and strong cross pendant decoration. The beauty of the body covered with a relatively thin fat camel zipper jackets, quite street style, yellow striped socks and shoes match yet lively feel.
coach outlet Hypertrophy of the girl camel coats wrapped hood, hat and fur cuffs add a decorative feeling of warmth, boots and handbags with a retro feel. The two models is particularly prominent in the street, cultivating long coat of blue and red, short and long contrast, is very seductive. Slim camel coat and bright blue shirt of the match is very bold, bright orange boots are.
Straight blue duffle coat with light blue collar-type combination of very coordinated, knitted gloves, hats and wore open-toed show hip-hop flavor. The middle of bright blue coat is a bright spot in a thin black belt.

Par frgfhgjn le samedi 21 mai 2011


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