Natural skin care to spend on the role of early

 coach outlet Yan flower, natural beauty, the fragrance of flowers, charming flower is the favorite of all women, sun flowers fresh and romantic, you see these lovely creatures who are different ways they are born with the release of the to the effect? Today, the flowers have become a major skin care beauty brand continued to develop research topics, the flowers into the energy of the original skin needs nutrition, so that women always indulge in the fragrance world, listening to nature, breathe, feel the "Flora" the call. Let every woman have the flower bloom, enjoy summer style!
Ed hardy bags Lavender oil is recognized as the most versatile essential oils, and suitable for any skin type. It can promote skin cell regeneration, balance sebum secretion, skin whitening, to help wound healing, improving acne, eczema and so on. As aromatherapy oils, light and the air was filled with the aroma of essential oils to help soothe the nerves factor, stable mood; as a massage oil, to rid the body of toxins, relieve muscle fatigue, remodeling activity. If the skin is ultraviolet radiation burns, can also be components containing lavender sun repair products, repair damaged cells and all the pain and so alleviate the discomfort, so that break the skin thoroughly, then continue to follow up the whitening process.
Ed hardy belt Collected from the rich French Provence lavender, through affinity into the skin, but also by the exchange of body fluids into the blood and lymph, promote blood and lymph circulation, accelerating the body's metabolism. Promote cell regeneration, balance sebum secretion, skin whitening. Lavender, the essential oil is directly applied on the few essential oils of the skin. The same as the white colors, "lavender" is called the wild oil, essential oils can be deployed with other coordinating role to achieve, but also entry-level products, essential oils, essential oil products a manual fan.

Par frgfhgjn le mercredi 27 avril 2011


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